Jewish Life Vocabulary (JLV) is a collection of Hebrew words or phrases that increases one’s connections to Jewish people, traditions, culture and life.
Chances are that you already sprinkle Jewish Life Vocabulary into your speech - "Mazal tov! What a great accomplishment!" or "We're heading to t'fillah. Jaime, could you grab the siddurim?" But formalizing a JLV curriculum allows educators to choose the words they feel are most important for their students and families. To get started, read the JLV Overview (the first icon, below). Note that there is a short and sweet overview for teachers that may be adapted for your setting. ALSO, there is research that skilled readers know the names of their letters, especially important in Hebrew because 1/3 of the letters are homophones, i.e., same sounds with different name (think of Vav and Vet, Samekh and Sin). With that in mind, note the list of hand-on teaching ideas for introducing/reinforcing a letter of the week in conjunction with JLV. Special thanks to JECC intern, Julia Ullman, for all her work on the JLV project!
Start here :
ABOVE: This document offers all you need to know to work with JLV: getting started, building personalized word lists, etc.
ABOVE: An explanation of Jewish Life Vocabulary (from a seminar; 4:20 min)
ABOVE: An education director's "show and tell" of how JLV is introduced and reinforced in her synagogue program. (2:40 min)
ABOVE: Webinar: Tips on introducing and using JLV from several LA-based synagogue directors. (45:17 min)
ABOVE: Webinar: JLV "Level 201" (53:25 min)
ABOVE: Webinar: Teaching JLV in a Virtual Environment (40:30 min)
ABOVE: Click on the icon to download an overview that explains JLV to teachers. It is offered as a Word document so it may be personalized for your community.
ABOVE: Click on the icon for pages of teaching ideas to introduce Hebrew letters of the week (a highly recommended practice in conjunction with JLV).
ABOVE: Click on the icon to find charts that will help you choose and organize your JLV scope and sequence. Feel free to adapt to your needs.
Links to word lists:
ABOVE: Click on the icon to find lists of words related to greetings, Jewish values, books, life cycle, kashrut, Israel/world Jewry and more!
ABOVE: Click on the icon to find word lists for each of the Jewish holidays and observances.
ABOVE: Be sure to also click on the icons on the next page to find specific lists and resources.
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