A mom reported that one evening, her 4 year old loved belting out Ayn Keyloheinu throughout the day. This family attended weekly Shabbat services and so the child had learn to sing the song by heart. As a pre-reader, even in his native English, the preschooler obviously didn't learn this song by reading. He learned it by heart, storing it in memory.
And so it is for our older students - the more they hear prayers and blessings, the more they gain the sounds of Hebrew. And the more we help them connect to prayers with their hearts, the more they connect spiritually. |
Resources are linked to the photos and videos below. Click on what interests you!
ABOVE: The power of Hebrew t'fillah (0:56 min)
ABOVE: T'fillah is learned by doing. Offers an argument for t'fillah each time that children are in attendance at the educational program. (from a seminar, 2:00 min)
ABOVE: T'fillah and Prayer Goals Webinar, July 2022. A sharing of ideas in the context of #OnwardHebrew. (40:37 min)
ABOVE: T'fillah Webinar,
March 2020 Exploring the intersection of prayer, Hebrew education, and t'fillah education in #OnwardHebrew programs. (59:20 min) ![]()
ABOVE: For hundreds of years, Jewish prayer was stored in memory, with no siddurim. The invention of the printing press was a game changer, perhaps not for the better.
learning resources:
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