Jewish educators are known for their willingness to share information and resources. And so it is with #OnwardHebrew. Here we share the experiences of some of the early adopters, including segments from a workshop at the Association of Reform Jewish Educators 2018 "Gathering" in Seattle. The decision to record was made in the moment using a smartphone - apologies for the sound quality in the first two videos, but it gets better and is definitely worth watching!
Resources are linked to the photos and videos below. Click on what interests you!
Start here:
ABOVE: Rabbi Stacy Rigler explains the challenges she faced in her position and the steps she took to create change.
Hebrew instructional assumptions for the 21st CenturyABOVE: The chart of learning assumptions created by the #OnwardHebrew leadership team; it gives shape to Hebrew learning in part-time settings.
ABOVE: The rabbi-educator and cantor from Temple Isaiah (Lafayette, CA) talk through their experiences with Hebrew learning in their program. [An ACC webinar; 1:00 hr]
ARJE 2018 WorkshopABOVE: The first of the recorded video segments from the first ARJE seminar on #OnwardHebrew. (0:56 sec)
21st Century Goals |
S2P: Hebr thru movem't |
s2P: Jewish Life Vocab |
S2P: T'fillah |
s2P: Decoding |
successes and challenges |
Importance of goals |
why Delay Decoding? |
1-on-1 instruction |
B'Mitzvah readiness |
"The Power of..." VIDEOS:
The power of individualized learning |
The power of
The Power Of
The Power of
The power of thoughtful change |
Powered by the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland