Building the sound of Hebrew in a child’s head and heart before tackling print serves as the foundation of #OnwardHebrew's approach. Called to sound-to-print (S-2-P) learning, there are four elements to the process:
Just as a tabletop is stablized when balanced on at least three legs, so it is with #OnwardHebrew. Three of the four legs create a strong foundation for 21st Century Hebrew learning. And, four is great! NEW: In 2023-2024, #OnwardHebrew supported a Decoding Think Tank to explore how general education's "science of reading" research can positively impact teaching Hebrew decoding in part-time/synagogue settings. A new webpage has been created with all the resources that emerged from this work. Click here. |
Resources are linked to the photos and videos below. Click on what interests you!
ABOVE: Overview
Hebrew Through Movement (1:30 min) ABOVE: In practice - View an HTM lesson where students learn the meaning of Hebrew words and connect them to print.
(Sh'ma example; 14 min) |
ABOVE: Overview
Jewish Life Vocabulary (4:20 min) |
ABOVE: Overview
T'fillah (2:00 min) |
S-2-P decoding:
ABOVE: What is decoding (as compared to reading) and how does one synagogue accomplish it? (3:30 min)
ABOVE: The rabbi-educator and cantor at Temple Isaiah (Lafayette, CA) discuss the realities of S-2-P learning in their educational program and on the bimah for B'Mitzvah. Stop at 50:15 (ACC Webinar, 3 min viewing)
ABOVE: Why Wait to Teach Decoding?
[Note: Early #OnwardHebrew used the term "Delay Decoding." Today, we use other language! No one likes to feel "delayed!"] (5:00 min) |
ABOVE: A webpage with a variety of resources that open the door to research-based teaching strategies for "Conquering the Challenge of Hebrew Decoding."
These are based on the work of #OnwardHebrew's 2023-2024 Hebrew Decoding Think Tank and include: strategies for teaching (in the "Conquering the Challenge" document) professional development supports, and links to the reading research. |
ABOVE: Webinar that brings to life the
"Conquering the Challenge of Hebrew Decoding" resource guide. Coming summer 2024 |
ABOVE: Teaching the decoding of prayers & blessings using Sound-to-Print strategies.
For the notetaking sheet click here. [Summer 2022; 20 min] |
ABOVE: A short booklet that offers easy-to-follow instructions for using S-2-P strategies to teach decoding. [Free download]
ABOVE: A GPS tells us where we are and how to get "there." [And it's a less scary word to use than "test."] Use this GPS for the AlefBet and Vowel Signs to see what learners know and, with the rubric, how they improve over time.
BELOW: Sound-to-Print phrases with all the letters and vowel signs. In the spirit of S2P, decode the phrases aloud for the students prior to asking them to do so.
ABOVE: Use this GPS to check a learner's decoding of familiar words from HTM, JLV, & t'fillah. Spend time reviewing each of these elements (though not necessarily each of the words/phrases) before introducing the GPS. Use the rubric to determine how well they are learning (it can be used with any words you choose).
ABOVE: Gold and Silver online challenges on the blessings of the Amidah. For a S-2-P example, see the Ancestors Silver challenge (plus others)
ABOVE: Online program for teaching decoding to 5th and 6th graders,
one-on-one. Click on the "Explore 1:1 Curriculum" button. |
ABOVE: Curricular materials on Sh'ma and Its Blessings and the Amidah. It's all S-2-P. Includes Flashmob information.
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